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An A to Z Guide to Credit Card Processing

Choosing the best credit card processing company for your business is an extremely important decision to make. Processing fees vary widely depending on what services you require, so it is absolutely essential that you are not paying for more than you need. Credit card processing companies often use industry-specific terminology that can make it confusing when you are trying to...

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The Top 5 Home Warranty companies for 2023

How to compare home warranties In order to be able to asses each company, it was essential that sample contracts were available. The biggest differences in coverage, are often revealed in the fine print. All home warranty providers have some sort of cap when it comes to covering appliances or structural services. We looked for the one that offers the...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Small Business Digitally Protected

Unlike huge government entities and Fortune 500 companies, many small businesses feel that they’re safe from being targeted by hackers. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. According to the U.S. government, around 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses. The reason for this is because of how small businesses often neglect cybersecurity, thinking that they’re not big enough...

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2023 Five Food Trends

As we approach 2023, there are several food trends that are expected to dominate the industry. Here are five of the most popular trends to look out for in the coming year: Keto Diet The keto diet, which is high in fats and low in carbs, has been growing in popularity in recent years and is expected to continue to...

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