Credit Card Processing - Articles

The Best Credit Card Processing Companies In 2021

Any business, small or large, will understand the importance of saving money where possible, but, when it comes to credit card processing, costs are often less clear. Like any business overhead, fees from processing companies quickly add up and yet, sometimes it is not the fees that can cost you but other factors- the difficulty of the setup process, for...

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An A to Z Guide to Credit Card Processing

Choosing the best credit card processing company for your business is an extremely important decision to make. Processing fees vary widely depending on what services you require, so it is absolutely essential that you are not paying for more than you need. Credit card processing companies often use industry-specific terminology that can make it confusing when you are trying to...

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Square vs. PayPal Here: Which is Right for Your Business?

Setting up a new small business can be quite the hassle, and a very stressful time. With all the decisions that you need to make, you always feel like, if you make one mistake, it could be all over. Whenever you make a sale, you need a good payment processor in order to ensure you can securely receive the money,...

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cloud pos system

How PaymentCloud Works to Secure Payment Processing?

Credit card transactions are an inevitable part of doing modern business, whether you do online sales or not. The trick is creating secure transactions for your clients that aren’t a detriment to your bottom line. Let’s walk through what makes PaymentCloud so secure and why more businesses are choosing it as their payment processor. What is PaymentCloud? Before we get...

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Leaders Merchant Services: Which Service is Right for Your Business?

Leaders Merchant Services is a credit card payment processing company based in California. They are one of the fastest growing credit card payment processing companies in the country. Leaders Merchant Services help both small and large companies to conduct their business seamlessly. The world of credit card payment processing has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. We no longer...

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5 Ways to Keep Your Small Business Digitally Protected

Unlike huge government entities and Fortune 500 companies, many small businesses feel that they’re safe from being targeted by hackers. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. According to the U.S. government, around 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses. The reason for this is because of how small businesses often neglect cybersecurity, thinking that they’re not big enough...

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Everything you need to know about Square Cash App

Who is Square Cash? Are they legit? Square Cash is part of Square Inc. which was launched as a swipe based mobile processing system, in 2009. Square is well known as a cost effective mobile POS system and eCommerce payment processing solution, especially geared for small businesses. Square have expanded their services to include other financial technology products which include...

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Boost Your Business With Better Credit Card Processing

What Can Better Credit Card Processing Do For My Business? With today’s fast-paced shopping experience only continuing to advance, having a credit card processing company that can keep up with your business is more crucial now than ever before. When shopping around for a credit card processing company, it’s imperative to know what features will best fit your personal business...

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Best tools to process credit card payments online

Best tools to process credit card payments online For 2023 Credit card processing is the most important aspect of online trading. Which company you choose depends on finding the best rates and the features you need. The merchant account or Credit Card Processing (CCP) Company you deal with will have to be compatible with your website and offer cost effective...

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The 5 Best Alternatives To Square POS

Square might be good option if you are a micro merchant and only need a Mobile Swiper. But If your business is getting bigger & you need a company that can help you processes big and also have great customer service you might find that elsewhere. See what Square’s Top Competitors have to offer your business

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